Friday, April 18, 2008

It's been a while....

Take a deep breath!  That's what I'm doing.  I just finished my first grad class last night!  Going into the final week I have a 99.6%.  The only reason I don't have a 100% is because of the TAB key.  Seriously.  I was docked .3 on an assignment so I got a 14.7/15 because I didn't indent one paragraph.  My final paper, which has yet to be graded, ended up being 14 typed pages PLUS another 9 pages of references and tables.  My next class isn't until May 15th so I have time to focus on my other project, being a nun.... in The Sound of Music of course.  I have practice every day till opening night, which is May 2nd.  
The weather is finally warming up and looks like it will stay that way for a while :)  That makes me very happy!  I am not much of a cold weather person.  

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Middle School Years....

Do you remember when you were in middle school?  I do.  It was nothing like middle school is today, I can promise you!  I had a substitute today because I had a meeting.  I went back to school after it was over.  The sub left me a 2 page dissertation about their behavior.  I mean, when we had subs we always tried to get away with a few things.  There isn't enough money for me to be a sub today!  Not in my school anyway.  I am literally concerned about our future!  
I wonder if they worried about me!