Friday, December 19, 2008

It is finished!!!

Well, I have finished my first quilt that someone has paid for! It is also the largest quilt I have done so far, a twin size. I hated parting with it actually.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Can you?

I get some crazy questions as a teacher. I can't always remember them. Yesterday I got one that I don't think I will forget for a while. It came from one of my 7th graders, a boy, either 12 or 13 years old (That will help the question out a little bit.) "Mrs. Bell, can you fart, pee, and burp at the same time?" Yes, you read that correctly. Now some would be offended at such a question. I, however, am not. I consider it a compliment that he would even ask. It means my students feel comfortable enough to ask me anything. It does make me wonder what is really going on in a middle school boy's head on a regular basis. When they look deep in thought are they contemplating a math problem or how something works... or are they wondering about the age old questions concerning bodily functions?

For those of you wondering my answer (if you weren't then don't read), I told him that I didn't know but I would try. I can burp on command, but the other two I can't do on command. So if I am ever in the situation where the first 2 are occurring, I'll try to burp. This, of course, made me the coolest teacher here.... hands down!

So.... can you?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's over

Well, I might as well blog about it, Jeremy and I are done. FOR-EV-ER. I feel very safe in saying that. Last night was miserable. Today is better, except there is no good immediate cure for puffy eyes. I am sure I will see him, we are on the same soccer team and I am NOT quitting it because of him. If he quits, fine, but I doubt he will.

I realized that a lot of the people I know here are through him. I am very grateful to all my friends up in Fairfax that I talked to last night. I wish I could just move you down here!

I promise not to be all depressed for too long :). I have a lot of opportunities now that I felt guilty doing before. It'll be different but it'll be good.

That's the news with me right now. Not very happy news but the news.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

And that is why I don't talk politics....

I love talking politics, but I am so passionate about it is usually best for me not to speak on it. I see it so black and white (and no I am not talking about race.) I will tell you I truely don't understand people that don't see it the way I do, and that makes for tension. I guess I had rather go through life thinking the people I know surely think the way I do. My friend Shayna and I used to get so passionate when we'd talk politics that we would have to stop just so we'd stay friends! If someone brought it up in our company we'd just smile and suggest we talk about something else.

Anyway, let's go on with the superficial life of Suzanne. Maybe it won't cause such tension.

Twilight is coming out this week. If you don't know what it is you are living in a cave. Now, I admit, the first time Ellyn and Chelsea told me I had to read this book I laughed at them.
"You have to read this book! It is so good."
"What's it about?"
"Ummmm, vampires, werewolves and teenage love."
"Just read the first chapter."
Well, I did and it consumed me. Literally. I don't like to read but Stephanie Meyer is such a great author you get consumed with the characters. I had to keep reminding myself that these are not real people. I thought about the characters when I wasn't reading the book. It didn't take long to read because I read it every second I got.... even at red lights! I prayed to get stopped by a red light! Most of the girls at the middle school I taught at were reading it and we just couldn't stop talking about it. Now when I tell other people they should read the book they ask me what it's about. "Ummmmmm, vampires, werewolves and teenage love.... but it really is a great book!" There are 4 books in the series and I have read the 1st two. I want to read the next one but I just can't find the time because I know it will consume me as the first two did. So, this movie.... from what I can tell from the previews it is how I imagined it which is a good sign. I want to go to the midnight showing this Thursday but I am not in the mood to fight all the screaming teenagers. I guess they'll be there all weekend though. Jeremy said he won't go see it, that he has to draw the line somewhere. I guess vampires, werewolves and teenage romance are a bit much for him. It is understandable. I will go see it though. I'll do a review when I do.

I didn't have a soccer game this week but I do this Sunday. I never thought I'd be excited to play soccer. Last game was out of control. One of our players got a red card that was totally unmerited. He refs games at this arena and the ref of our game doesn't like him. Actually no one likes the ref that we had. Other refs don't want to work with him. He is a terrible ref too. So he look it out on our player that has refused to ref with him in the past. He gave 2 blue cards to the other team. That sits them in the penalty box for 5 minutes. They were beyond physical. Our team is physical, they were borderline violent and dirty. They are in the league above us (it was a cross-over game) and we were controlling the game and ended up winning. It wasn't fun though. I never wanted a game to be over so bad, and we were winning! Usually games go slow when you're the team getting slaughtered.

Well, I have babbled enough I guess. I hope to have a new quilt for you soon!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Back on line!

Well for some reason blogs are no longer blocked.

I am feeling a little bit better. I am still coughing. I hate being sick. From now on I am going to self-medicate. It took 4 hours to get in and out of the Care Now place. Plus they consider themselves specialists and not generalists so it cost $35 for a co-pay instead of $25. How is a walk-in clinic considered a specialist? I have to find a doctor!

Now onto politics. I am so tired of hearing about Obama. I am terrified of the fact that he is going to be the president. First of all, I am not sure how he is going to be with all the questions surrounding him. Things like the fact he can't produce a birth certificate to prove he was born in the US. There is a lawsuit about this. They are looking into his campaign funds because they suspect some of the funds are from terrorist organizations. No one seems to be very concerned about it though. That bothers me. The race issue bothers me too. I am tired of hearing that he's black. First of all he's biracial. His mom is white. And race is no reason to vote for someone. I can't believe all of these black churches that are celebrating his election when so much of what he stands for goes against God and Christian values. That tells me they voted for him because of his color. That tells me that there are a lot of people in America that are stupid. Yes, I said stupid. If we want to get past race issues in then stop making a big deal about it. Consider him a person and that's it. I am not saying it isn't worth mentioning, it just isn't worth harping on. American's should be ashamed of putting someone into office just to make history. There are more important things at stake.

Additional note: I looked and it seems that he did produce a birth certificate. Not sure why I keep hearing he hasn't.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


This is a little bit if outdated news since it happened 2 Sundays ago, but I scored my first goal!  My team won!  I played really well this past Sunday as well.  

I am out sick today.  So why am I at Panera Bread on the internet?  Well, I had to send in my sub plans.  I feel better but I have a horrible cough.  Dr. said it is bronchitis and has me on a cough syrup that has codeine in it.  (No I haven't taken it this morning yet, so I am okay to drive.)  

Speaking of driving.....what is everyone paying for gas?  I passed 3 stations this morning that have it for $1.99.  Yes!  $1.99.  I never thought I'd see it that low again.  Buying gas is a bit like playing the stock market, except you don't sell.  You want to buy low.  You can get it and an hour later it could go down again, then you kick yourself for not waiting.  OR you could wait because the price is falling and then it suddenly goes back up.  Then you panic and you and everyone else is lining up to fill up.

I made some cupcakes for Halloween.  I will NEVER make the werewolves again.  Such a pain in the rear!  The mummies were so easy though.  The picture is a little blurry but you get the idea.  Sorry it's sideways too.

Well, I think that is the big part of the news with me.  Oh, glad to see people still check in and read.  I love when y'all make comments.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Since my last post my school has blocked blog sites so I have to go to the library to blog.  Anyone have some extra $ so I can have internet at home?  

I have to type quick, my computer is down to 30% and I left my charger at work.  

So, what has been going on...  Well, work.  Yuck!

And I have made a quilt!  Here is the picture.

I also finished that sock monkey throw.  A lady at work liked it so much that she want me to make her daughter a twin sized one.
Still playing indoor soccer, still dating Jeremy.....  I will try to get over here more often.  I'll post more soon.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Is it June Yet????

Really.  I am ready for June to be here.  I am worn out mentally.  I work from 7:00 - 4:30 and usually I am working on something during my lunch too.  they expect us to do everything with nothing.  For instance... the Drama Club is supposed to put on a play but the administration won't give them money for costumes or props. We are suppose to have a Fall Festival with ZERO budget, oh but the administration is donating prizes to the cause.  Gee, thanks.  We are to spend an extra hour and a half with kids without being paid a penny extra.  I had dinner with the district superintendent and he said to pay us would be unfair for the teachers that didn't have clubs but still had to stay for the time.  Huh?  Let's see, they get to do their planning, surf the web, whatever they want and I have to be a productive babysitter.  It is like having 5 extra classes!  Can you tell I am not happy?  June... just get me to June.

Here is a fun little picture in honor of election season.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

That's Coach Bell to you....

I really need to learn to say no more often.  I had gotten really good at it but I seem to have fallen off the wagon.  I am over the volleyball club 2 days after school but somehow I am now over the journalism club the other 3 days.  That club includes the yearbook and newspaper.  What?  How did that happen?  I'm still not real sure.  

I am so exhausted when I get home it is silly!  I did manage to crank out a baby hat and scarf.  I think the colors are cool, not really baby colors, but I like that.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Am I the only one?

Obama Bi NLA din

Surely I am not the only one that has noticed this. I can't believe I haven't seen a bumper sticker or something.

It is week 3 of school and I still don't have any equipment. I am not sure it is even ordered yet! I just need to make it through the school year.

We lost our soccer game last night. We are 1 and 4. Oh well, it's fun. I guess that's what matters most.

I have finished another crocheted blanket. It is now proudly displayed on my couch :) Here is a picture of it.
Well I guess that's all for now.

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Media is Speechless...

For now anyway.  I only see one tiny article on McCain's choice, Sarah Palin, as a running mate.  I actually think he caught them (the media) completely off guard.  I am interested to see how they approach this.  I would say I want to research her more, but honestly, I am so against Obama becoming our next President that I almost couldn't care less.  The only thing they have dug up on her so far is that she refused to fire her brother-in-law who is a State Trooper in Alaska.  No mention of why she should have fired him.  I am sure we'll hear an absolute great and twisted story of some horrendous thing he did... with only the facts they want us to hear.  Like I said, I am really interested on how the media handles this!

Update:  It's been 5 minutes and they have already changed the story!  But I can't figure it out.  Is this a bad thing?  Do they mean hire or fire? BIG DIFFERENCE!

"More recently, she has come under the scrutiny of an investigation by the Republican-controlled legislature into the possibility that she ordered the dismissal of Alaska's public safety commissioner because he would not fire her former brother-in-law as a state trooper."  Associated Press

NO JOKE.... I just posted and clicked on the article again and they have removed that paragraph completely.  

Tuesday, August 26, 2008



Well, I would say the school as a whole was not ready for yesterday.  Each individual teacher was as ready as they could be.  For instance, the Kindergarten teacher was ready except she had no tables for her kids to sit at.  They are supposed to be in today.... hopefully.  I have no equipment for PE but I have several games in my back pocket that don't need equipment and one that needs bean bags which I am making.  Drop off....  Is it normal for every parent to come into the school on the first day?  We weren't prepared for that.  Dismissal was a nightmare as well.  We only lost 2 kids.  Not too bad, I guess.  After school we had a meeting.  This meeting consisted of things we should have discussed last week.  I guess this is what one is to expect when a school is completely run by men.  
They don't think of the little things.... like tables for 5 year olds.

I had my first experience with a class of 1st graders.  I survived.  After an intense game of Simon Says we played a riveting game of Duck Duck Goose.  It was all about following directions.  One thing I found out about 1st graders is that they all have a story to tell about a "long, long time ago."  And it takes them a long long time to tell it.  Oh, and the only time they can sit still is when they are telling their story, and sometimes not even then.

I am currently deciding if teaching is what I want to do when I grow up.  The lovely state of Texas is requiring me to take 3 tests to become certified in this state.  I guess taking the national exams and teaching for 5 freakin' years means nothing.  I'll keep everyone posted though.  

This picture reminded me of my dad.  Scrabble is the only game he really likes to play with us.  I'm think it is because he almost always wins.  His birthday was Sunday.  Happy Birthday Dad!

Soccer news :  We lost.  Big!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

No Official Language

This morning I was looking to see if the US Women's Basketball Team had won the gold medal.  All Lady Vol fans have a vested interest in the team.  I happened to stumble on the page that gave the US facts.... you know, a picture of the country, population, etc.  Below "Official languages" it had written "No Official Language."  This is something that I was not aware of.  Below that it broke down the percentages of languages spoken.  I posted  the link and what it says below.;_ylt=AlgsfNwStaMMaVWsOvcPQTUSv5V4
  • Largest city:New York
  • Official languages:No Official Language
  • National languages:English 82.1%, Spanish 10.7%, other Indo-European 3.8%, Asian and Pacific island 2.7%, other 0.7% (2000 census)
  • Total area:3,794,083 miles² (9,826,630 km²)
  • 2008 Estimated population:303,824,646 people
I find it hard to believe that a world power has no official language.  How does that happen?

Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm Employed and It's Raining!!!

It is raining here and everyone seems so excited.  "Look, it's raining!"  people are saying like I would if it were snowing.  I don't mind the rain but I wish it would only rain at night.  The cooler temperatures have been nice though.  

Yes, I have a JOB!!!  I went in on Thursday for a "2nd interview" but it was actually an offer.  It isn't my first choice of schools but, it is a job.  I was told to come in today and help with student orientation.  He neglected to tell me that it wasn't until 2:00 this afternoon.  So who was at the school at 7:30 this morning?  ME...and ONLY me.  (7:30 is the time I was told teachers are to report to work.)  No one else got there till 8:30.  I got all my paperwork to fill out at least.  I am about to head over there now to "help out," whatever that means.  All I know is that I
 missed my extra sleep this morning.  I guess I need to get used to getting up early though.
In other news....
We won our soccer game on Sunday 5-2, and no, I didn't score any.  

That's all that is going on in these parts!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Armadillo and soccer

Everyone down here says armadillo are everywhere.  They liken it to possum in Tennessee.  Anyone who drives along a road will probably see some roadkill possum along the way.  I lived here 2 summers and now almost a month and just saw my first armadillo on Saturday.  It was dead, but it was still an armadillo.  I was so excited!  Did you know it is the state animal of Texas? Here is another piece of Texas trivia for you.  Did you know that Texas is the only state that can fly their flag at the same height as the U.S. Flag?  Anyone know why?  I do! I do!

Now, onto soccer.  I hate soccer... loathe it actually.  But yet, I am playing on a 30 and over indoor soccer team.  Our first game was Sunday night.  We lost but I actually had a slightly good time.  I am a forward.  I got one good shot on the goal but it was too high.  The other team's goalie said that if it had been lower I would have scored because he couldn't have got to it.  Oh well.  I am not very good but it is active and gives me something to do.  

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Makin' Friends

I finally got to go to "yarn group" yesterday.  It was so nice to sit and crochet and talk.  :)

I had an interview today.  It was for a PE position at a charter school.  No gym, very little equipment, and I was told that the priority is academics, especially math and science.  Hmmm, I can take a hint.... PE is there because it has to be and don't expect much money for space and equipment.  I'll hear next week if I got the position.  Hopefully something else comes before then.   I applied for 2 more positions today.  

That's the update.  Sorry it's short but I have 13% battery left and I can't find a place to plug in around here!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Cupcakes and bets

Well, I made my first cupcakes since I've been here.  Jeremy had an end-of-season soccer party to go to and we were supposed to bring something to eat.  I finally had an excuse to make cupcakes!  Here they are....

The night before we went to my brother's for dinner.  On the way Jeremy and I were listening to a Merle Haggard CD.  A song came on and he made a bet with me.  Ic I could name the person singing with Merle Haggard on this one song without any hints then he'd watch Pride and Prejudice with me.  Now. that is a serious bet.  Pride and Prejudice is almost 6 hours long!   He would only bet that if he knew I wouldn't get it right......  I won't make him watch it all at once.  :)  The answer to the bet?  Clint Eastwood.  He hasn't wanted to bet anything since then.

Well, I have no job yet.  I am being patient and not panicking.  My last 2 teaching jobs I got right before school started.  My first one I got the day before!  I am looking into some private schools as well.  I'll leave you with one of the questions on one of the applications to a private school...  What is the minimum salary you will consider?  How do you answer that??????

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hello from Texas!!!

Well, I am here!  My first week has been busy and lazy at the same time.  I am officially sick of shopping, even though I have more things I need.  I have a bed, a couch, a TV, and a washer and I really need anything else?  

My favorite thing to do is to go to the pool.  9:00 pm is the perfect time.  :)  

I will try to blog more, but I don't have internet at home right now.  I figured a job should come first. 

And for those of you wondering how it is going with me and Jeremy....  So far so good.  So no need to beat him up....yet :)  I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Are other people as sentimental as I am?  I keep thinking, this is my last Thursday here...this is my last Friday here, and now, tonight is my last night here.  I am always like this when I move.  I am excited about moving though. I have so much to do once I get there.  It is a little overwhelming.  

On a sad note, I missed passing my Middle School Math Praxis in Virginia by ONE point.  I needed a 163 and I made a 162.  Virginia requires the highest score.  Tennessee only requires a 143.  Anyway, that threw a big kink in my master plan.  Everyone is still encouraging me though which is great.  
This comic from Close to Home today cheered me up.  You know that you life is normal when they make cards and comics that you can relate to.  I am an over the top person when it comes to toilet paper.  So much so that I may change it even if it isn't my house!  

I'm sure my next blog will come from "The Great State of Texas" (which wouldn't be so without the "Volunteers" from Tennessee).  :)  

Thursday, July 3, 2008

So mad, I don't know what to write!

This is getting out of hand!  I blogged about this in February and my sister-in-law sent me an article from July 1st.... 2 days ago.  Here's the link:

Take time to read some of the comments.  I have so say some of them make me feel better.  At least it's proof we have a few sane people still left in this country.  I just wonder if it is enough!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Going through memories

This past week I went home to visit my parents and my 2 sisters.  My mom finally made me get all my stuff I had stored in their attic and go through it.  I sure did have a lot of stuff!  I found a couple boxes of clothes I had been missing.  (I'm still missing some clothes I think!) I had boxes and boxes of "keepsakes."  I would open a box and a few things would get my attention immediately, like some of the toys I had when I was really little, or my collection of Star Wars action figures and Hot Wheels.  Then there was the rest of the box.... what was I thinking when I just HAD to keep this?  I had notebooks from 10th grade biology.  Why?  I have no clue.  I think I ended up with 4 huge bags of trash and 6 or 7 boxes for Goodwill.  (And no, the Star Wars action figures did NOT end up in the Goodwill box.  They are safely stored in my ONE keepsake box.)  I am pretty happy with how far I scaled down.  I am sure the next time I go through that box I'll wonder why I just had to keep a couple of things.  

When's the last time you went through your keepsakes?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Some political talk....

I know, 2 posts in 2 days!  Amazing isn't it?

I haven't really blogged much about politics even though I love talking about it.  Up here in the DC area one has to be careful who they talk to though.  It isn't like the South where you disagree about politics then go to a BBQ.  Here, it hurts feelings and arguments can get pretty heavy. ....BUT I DON"T CARE!  I can't tell you how glad I am that Hillary is out of the race.  I know, I know, Obama is much more Liberal than she is, but still.  I think there are enough holes in Obama's campaign to keep him out.  Of course, I am not too keen on the American people right now either.  I am not sure some of them can remember how to think for
 themselves.  They had rather the media tell them how to vote and believe everything they hear.  I remember my dad giving me this advice.  "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see."  The media is tricky too.  When Tim Russert died Friday, the host of Meet the Press, the picture you saw on the associated press article was Russert with Obama.  That isn't major, but it is tons of little things like that which we see everyday.  Why not him with his family or a political figure that isn't running for office?  
Now, for those of you ready to defend Obama and your own honor, I am not big on McCain either.  This is definitely one of those elections where I will be voting for the lesser of the 2 evils.  
Well, I am glad I don't have to make good on my promise just yet of moving out of the country.  I had said I'm getting out of this place if Hillary became president.  She could run again....

Thanks for listening to me rant a bit.  Feels good to get out.  I'm sure there will be more.  I hope I'm still invited to your next BBQ :)!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The bad cake

Humidity isn't only bad for my hair, it is bad for cakes too.  Actually, it is bad for icing.  I had to make a cake for a wedding shower and it didn't turn out like I wanted it to.  Good thing is, no one really noticed or cared and it tasted great.  They were more impressed that I made the roses.  

I have had a couple of people ask me about what I used for the sunning teddy bear cupcakes.  For the sand I used crushed butter cookies (you know the kind that look like flowers that you put on your finger to eat :) ).  The beach blankets are Airheads candy.  I stretched them and then cut them.  The bears, of course, are Teddy Grahams, and then I just got the cocktail umbrellas from the party store.  

Friday was the last day of school for the kids this year.  It was 
also Field Day.  I am just glad it's over!  We have a tradition at Poe, all the teachers line up on the sidewalk and clap and wave as the buses carries the kids home one last time.  I will miss some of them, but there are several I will not lament.   I have 3 more days to go though.  I have to move out of my office.  That might take all 3 days!

Here are some of my classes.  I didn't get my 6th and 7th period classes.  

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Little Miss Suzanne Home Maker

Well, I might as well own a bakery after today.  I am taking cupcakes for one of my classes tomorrow and then I am making a cake for a shower on Tuesday.  The pictures below are of the cupcakes I made for my class.  I haven't decorated the cake for the shower yet.  I should have that up tomorrow evening though.  I did almost kill the dog today.  I had made the cake for the shower and was letting it cool.  I ran downstairs for 1 minute and she decided to taste test it.  5 nice chunks out of the side of the cake.  So I had to go to the store to get another cake mix and some more eggs.  Oh well!
First the sand (butter cookies)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

It's not the heat....

Can I just say I am loving the fact that it is warm, but I am not a fan of my curly hair.  And in times like these, I have no choice but to have curly hair.  There is no product yet invented that will keep my hair straight in humid conditions.  Oh, they all talk a good game, anti-humidity my foot.  

How about just a frizz-free summer, is that too much to ask?????

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Last Curtain Call

Tonight was the last night of being a nun.  I turned in my wimple and my veil, my rosary, my collar, my scapula, and my rope.  I only got sentimental during the last song.  I was thinking, this is it, my last few notes on this stage.  I know I will not have the chance to do another show with these people before I move (if this is news to you, sorry).
Here are a few pictures of Sound of Music.  I'll have more later.

Meet Corrie, our Jamaican nun (ok, not really, but she did go to Cancun.)

As you can see our nuns weren't always..... nunlike :)
"Sister" Diana beating an actor that forgot his lines.

"Sister" Joe and "Sister" Suzanne

Monday, May 5, 2008

Ever see a picture?

Have you ever seen a picture that makes you laugh out loud?  This one did so I had to share it. 
I know it has been a long time since my last blog.  I haven't forgotten.... I have just been busy.  This past weekend was the opening weekend of the Sound of Music in which I am a nun.  2 more weekends to go.  Next week I start my next grad class....Finance and Accounting.  Doesn't that sound exciting?  I have a 3-4 page paper due the first night.  I hate having to write a paper for someone I haven't met.  I ended up with a 99.2% total in my last class!  I just hope I can keep it up.  
Well, that's the news for me.  I hope you had a good laugh at the picture.  :)

Friday, April 18, 2008

It's been a while....

Take a deep breath!  That's what I'm doing.  I just finished my first grad class last night!  Going into the final week I have a 99.6%.  The only reason I don't have a 100% is because of the TAB key.  Seriously.  I was docked .3 on an assignment so I got a 14.7/15 because I didn't indent one paragraph.  My final paper, which has yet to be graded, ended up being 14 typed pages PLUS another 9 pages of references and tables.  My next class isn't until May 15th so I have time to focus on my other project, being a nun.... in The Sound of Music of course.  I have practice every day till opening night, which is May 2nd.  
The weather is finally warming up and looks like it will stay that way for a while :)  That makes me very happy!  I am not much of a cold weather person.  

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Middle School Years....

Do you remember when you were in middle school?  I do.  It was nothing like middle school is today, I can promise you!  I had a substitute today because I had a meeting.  I went back to school after it was over.  The sub left me a 2 page dissertation about their behavior.  I mean, when we had subs we always tried to get away with a few things.  There isn't enough money for me to be a sub today!  Not in my school anyway.  I am literally concerned about our future!  
I wonder if they worried about me!

Friday, March 21, 2008

10 Things you may not know about me...

Today I have no thought provoking message to dwell on.  It is the last day of my Spring Break, it went way too fast if you ask me and was incredibly unproductive.  I didn't even crochet or sew!  It was probably the laziest week of my life, other than the fact I did read a LOT for my class and wrote one paper.  

So... on with today's blog...


1.  I was president of my high school 4-H club.  

2.  I received the highest score in my district in judging plants and seeds.

3.  I leave all the blue and orange M&Ms and all the orange and white Smarties to eat last.

4.  My favorite flower is the Shasta Daisy.  2nd place is the Gerber Daisy.

5.  My hair held a real barrette when my parents brought me home from the hospital.  

6.  I am the only person kin to everyone in my family... confused, ask me.

7.  One of the ligaments in my left elbow was originally a tendon in my left wrist.

8.  I prefer unsweetened tea and Pepsi even though I am from the South.

9.  I have seen Scud and Patriot missiles collide and explode.

10.  I am terrified of clowns and dolls.  Oh, and really old pictures.  

Anything I might want to know about you?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Today I had a a massage.  If you have never had one, I highly recommend it!  It was my gift to myself for Spring Break.  I really needed it.... and I need another one.

I finally made some more cupcakes.  These are for Easter, obviously.   The edible grass isn't the most wonderful thing in the world, horrible texture and not much taste, but it sure looks cute!  

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

You won't believe it....

I think all that know me know what a picky eater I am.  I am proud to say that I have added yet another food to my rather short list and it may surprise you.  No, it will surprise you.  My sister is amazed that, even though I am picky, salmon and raw spinach are 2 of the things I eat.  Well, Melynda if you are reading this, sit down.  I now like.... asparagus.  I actually made it by choice the other day.  It is my 2nd new vegetable in 2 years.  Last year I discovered I like corn (only on the cob, not from a can.)  

In other news....

I am doing tons of reading (something I don't do much) for my class.  This week is all about decision making.  I teach this EXACT same process to my 8th graders.  Same steps, well except in grad school they added a step, "Implementing the decision."  Duh!  Why go through the other steps and have the last step of evaluation if you aren't going to do it in the first place?  I do also go into all the characteristics of a decision and common reasons for bad decisions.  But it is all common sense with fancy terms.  Programmability for instance.  Let's see, a decision has either been made before and has a set protocol, or it hasn't been made before so you have to come up with a new solution.  Ummmm, again.... DUH.  So far the reading isn't beyond my brain function so I am happy about that.  I did learn something pretty funny.  Did you know that after Walter P. Chrysler died that Chrysler's lawyer sometimes contacted the ghost of Walter for advice?  My textbook says (that's not APA siting but get over it) that the lawyer would excuse himself from the meeting, go into Chrysler's office, close the door and drapes, and conjure up Chrysler's spirit.  Then the lawyer would return to the meeting and reveal his findings, which the Chrysler executives would use to make the final decision.  How is this company still in existence today???  I did a little research and he died in 1940.  I would consider that relatively modern times.  I think the lawyer was a little sketchy, but who blames him with idiots like that surrounding him!  
I am still fearful that I might not be able to handle the mass amount of information that I have to take in and regurgitate in paper form using APA guidelines for referencing.  But I am not so worried that the information itself is going to be rocket science.

More interesting stories to come I'm sure!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I know it has been a while since I have written.  I have ideas for about 6 blogs but not the time to delve into them like I want to.  So this is just an update on your favorite subject.... ME!

I start grad school tonight.  I am starting on my Masters in Business Administration and Accounting.  I know, a far cry from teaching middle school PE.  

I am still currently in the Sound of Music.  I say still because there is a remote chance that I will have to drop.  My class is on Thursday night and that is also the main dress rehearsal night that I HAVE to be at.  I am trying to finagle (I have always wanted to use that word!) something.

I am teaching Saturday School 8th Grade Math.  I love it.  I only have 5 kids so I can really focus on what they are struggling with.

Spring Break is next week.  I am not going anywhere unless I go into DC and take in a few sights.  Oh, and I am getting a massage on Wednesday!!!

I promise I will have an in depth blog soon!

Till then....

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Something didn't sit well...

Have you ever talked with someone and not agreed with what they said and it literally leave you feeling sick?  I was talking tonight with some teachers at school and one of them said something about singing the Black National Anthem.  You know me, I can't keep my mouth shut, and I said something to the affect of "You've got to be kidding me.  You're joking right?  Can I have a White National Anthem?"  To which she replied, "You do.  It starts Oh say can you see."  To which I said, "I was under the impression that was for everyone. "  Then everyone got really uncomfortable around us and she said that she wasn't going to go there with me.  She walked away and then I got this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.  It still hasn't gone away.  Like I have figured it out and it isn't good.  I mean, this is a really nice, well educated black woman.  I like her, but I will have to say, I will never look at her the same again.
So, of course, when I got home I looked up the "Black National Anthem" and sure enough, there is one!

also known as "The Black National Anthem"
by James Weldon Johnson

Lift ev'ry voice and sing,
Till earth and heaven ring.
Ring with the harmonies of Liberty;
Let our rejoicing rise,
High as the list'ning skies,
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;
Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,
Let us march on till victory is won.

Stony the road we trod,
Bitter the chast'ning rod,
Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;
Yet with a steady beat,

Have not our weary feet,
Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?
We have come over a way that with tears has been watered,
We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,
Out from the gloomy past,
Till now we stand at last
Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.

God of our weary years,
God of our silent tears,
Thou who has brought us thus far on the way;
Thou who has by Thy might,
Led us into the light,
Keep us forever in the path, we pray.
Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee,
Lest our hearts, drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee,
Shadowed beneath thy hand,
May we forever stand,
True to our God,
True to our native land.

I have heard it is beautiful.  I am sure it is.  It is great that there is a song that their race and culture can connect with, but to make it a National Anthem?  Am I the only one that sees what is going on?  Blacks blame whites for not seeing them as the same, equal, but I have to say I think it is more their fault than anyone's.  They continue to demand to be set apart and be treated special.  From scholarships that I can't touch because I am white (but they can sure have all mine, and have a better shot at getting them) to the Black Miss America Pageant (can you imagine if we had a White Miss America Pageant?) they (not all, but enough of them) don't want to be treated equally, they want to be treated special.  That is segregation... what they didn't want I thought.  I don't think that is what Martin Luther King Jr. had in mind when he said he had a dream.  I have a feeling that he wouldn't approve of what is going on at all.  He'd probably tell Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton to shut up.   When I talk to blacks on this subject I hear one of 2 things.  Either they agree with me, they don't want to be called African American, they wish Jessie Jackson would shut up, and they see that much of what is going on is hurting the reputation of their race and not helping it at all.  Or they tell me that I have no idea what I am talking about because I am a white girl from the South.  I typically then ask them if they ever were owned by someone or if they themselves ever had to use a separate drinking fountain or not allowed to go to school with whites.  I have yet to have anyone tell me yes to any of those questions.  The fact is, I have never owned a slave or held someone back because of their race and they have never been a slave or been held back because of their race.  So why am I having to deal with it?  I don't  owe any of them anything and no one alive today does.  In fact, my ancestors never owned slaves and most likely worked right along side of them on farms and plantations.  Sure, they got paid but they had to provide their own food and shelter too.  Don't even get me started on all the time and tax payer's money we wasted in 2007 issuing state apologies for slavery!!!!!  So many want to play the black card when they don't get there way.  Don't get me wrong, women do it too, and I don't agree with that either.  The problem is they will always be looked at in a less than perfect way because they won't let go of the past.  I didn't say forget the past, but just to let go of it. Slavery is bad.  No one should own someone else.   But we don't anymore, so let it go and be thankful for your freedom for crying out loud!

I like this post...

Lots of good comments on it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Get thee to a Nunnery!

Well, I made it! I am a nun in the Sound of Music. They haven't picked the 3 main nuns yet. I was told I have a good chance of being one of them though. I would love to have one of those parts.

I have also almost decided to start on my MBA this coming fall. I do not want to teach more than 2 more years...3 at the very most. If I go part time I can have my MBA in 33 months. If I could figure out how to go full time I could get it in 21 months. Road blocks.... GMAT and money. It is depressing when I look at the cost actually. But I am miserable teaching so it is worth it I think. I am going to meet with some different people but I believe I want to focus on Project Management. With 24 hours I can be eligible for several government positions. Anyway, this is a relatively new development. I have thought about it for a while but today I started making real plans.

Winterfest is this weekend! I will be in Gatlinburg. Maybe I'll have internet there. If I do, I'll be sure to blog!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Check it off!

I have done something on my life's to-do list!  I auditioned for a play.  The Sound of Music to be exact.  I think it was one of the scariest thing I have ever done in my life!  I almost chickened out.  Thankfully Susan was there to make me.  I sang "Feed the Birds" from Mary Poppins.  I decided to use the one with her singing since it was my first time.  I made no bones about it.  I told them Julie Andrews was my crutch and I needed her!  Next time I think I could do it on my own.  After I sang I had to learn a dance with a group.  It is painfully obvious that my sister Dana received all the rhythm in the family.  Well, Melynda might have some that she is hiding from us.  BUT.... one of the people judging asked the producer (who just happens to be Susan and a good friend of mine) who was in the burgundy shirt and told her that I was very graceful.  I personally think she had to be smoking crack.  I'll find out tomorrow if I get a call back.  Call backs are Monday.  If I make it then I can start crossing off another thing on my life's to-do list.... be in a community production.  What do you have on your life's to-do list?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Too much going on.....

Life is a little stressful at the moment.  SO much is going on I don't know what to blog about.  AND some things I can't blog about.  I am in desperate need of Spring Break.... actually more like in need of June 18th.  
I think I am just going to go to bed for now.  Just know that so much is happening I don't know where to start!
This picture made me kinda laugh, but is kinda truly sad.  Especially when you teach middle school and see how the girls compare themselves.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Selfish People

I admit, we are all selfish sometimes.  This morning, and every morning of the work week, I get to witness selfish people at their best.  I do bus duty at school.  I stand out front, keep the cars out of the area the buses are supposed to enter, make sure the traffic keeps moving, stop the traffic when it is time for the buses to leave, and record the times the buses get there.  This morning I witnessed 7 near wrecks.  Five of them were because parents let stopped and let their kid out on the street instead of following the rules.  They do it after they pass me so I can't get to them and stop them.  Then they speed away (not joking.)  Problem is that people get annoyed because they have to stop behind them so they start to pass and are passing them when the car speeds away.  Meanwhile their kid has to cross the street, and our school is in the middle of an outrageous curve, or cross where the buses are entering.  One of the near wrecks this morning did the same thing of dropping off where they aren't supposed to but this idiot did a u-turn right in the middle of the road and almost got t-boned.  Then the other one was a parent going way too fast and on the wrong side of the road around the horrible blind curve.  All to cut 2 minutes off their commute?  If I turn my back and get a car to move on someone comes in where the buses are.  One time the parent got stuck in there because more buses came in and then when she did finally get out yelled at me for it!  There is a nice sign stating she wasn't supposed to go in there.  And last week my Assistant Principal came out to help me stop traffic to let the buses out (which could be a blog rant of its own) and a parent yelled at her.  I have stood in the middle of the road waving at the car to stop and they keep coming and try to go around me.  Where in the world do these people learn to drive?  And were they brought up with any manners at all?  Obviously not and they aren't raising their kids to have manners either.  I see teachers, including myself, get cut off in the hallways, run over, it is rare to see a kid hold a door for a teacher, and just today I was coming out a door with a cart and my hands full and a kid ran to slip in as I was coming out so I had to stop so quick I dropped what I had in my hand.  AND I had to call him back because he didn't even stop to apologize or help pick it up!  I asked him if he know what manners were and he laughed and said "no."  To which I replied, "Obviously not because you don't have any," and then proceeded to give him what for!
I can't stand it!  Is it like this everywhere?  Am I so appalled because I was raised in the South where, for the most part, kids are still taught manners?
I had such a depressing day in light of all of this that I was glad to see this picture.  It made me laugh out loud!  Hope you enjoy it too! And remember, don't do something that is convenient for you when it makes an inconvenience for others!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

It's Random Question Time Again!

When you've got water stuck in your ear, how do you get it out?

I have to say there is little more annoying than having water in your ear that you can't seem to get out!  My tricks....

1.  First I move my jaw around, yawn some, just like I would do if my ears were stopped up.
2.  I pull the lobe down and the top up and jerk my head to the side a few times.  
3.  Warning: Use this only as a last resort!  When I am really desperate I do exactly what you are not supposed to do... get a Q-tip.  I don't jam it down my ear (don't worry mom.)  But I do find that if I can get to the source the cotton soaks up the water and draws it right out.  If you get it stuck or the cotton comes off and stays in your ear I disavow any knowledge that I know you or that you might have gotten the idea from this blog!

So, what are your tips for getting water out of your ear?

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Today was not a very good day for me in the world of football.  First of all I hate the Patriots with a passion.  They, of course, are one game away from a perfect season.  Bleh!  Then I can't stand Eli Manning, and I have my reasons, good ones too.  (His brother on the other hand.... I love.)  But the Giants beat my Packers tonight!  I have no use to watch the Super Bowl except for the commercials.  Maybe I could TiVo it and fast forward through the game and just watch the commercials.  No.  I am going to Shayna's and be social except during the commercials :).  I am actually excited because there are these cupcakes I want to make.  Unfortunately to make them really cute I would decorate them according to the teams playing.  I just don't know if I can bring myself to do that.  
In other news....
I looked down at my hand tonight and I have this bruise looking thing with a little mark in the middle.  I have no clue where it came from.  Ellyn says it looks like a spider bite.  I hate spiders! I'll keep an eye on it and see if it looks any different tomorrow.  Wait, what am I thinking?  I can just take a picture of it and show you!  Tell me what you think it is.

Your diagnosis is welcome!  

I have my MRI tomorrow on my knees.  I had more pain last night, in a different place on my knee, but it went away today.  I sound like an old lady telling about all my ailments.   Just imagine when I am an old lady! :)  

And some sad news to report.  Suzanne Pleshette died.  This is sad for me because, as far as famous people that share my name, it was her and Suzanne Somers.  

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Meet Seamus

Meet my friend Seamus (pronounced Sha - mus.)  I am not sure why his picture is sideways but I can't get it rotated.  We're hanging out on this snowy evening making cupcakes.  (And no he's not mine, I'm dog sitting.)  I have my first cupcake order!  She wants them tomorrow for school... that is if we have school tomorrow.  I think we'll have a 2 hour delay at the least.  It's amazing, we got 3 inches of snow and not an early dismissal and we'll most likely go tomorrow.  Stupid snow plows. My banjo lesson was canceled though, which was good since I hadn't really practiced.  I am hoping for a whole day off tomorrow, but I am not getting my hopes up.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Let's try again

Some of you know I took a few banjo lessons last year but after wasting most of my lesson time with my teacher figuring things out, I quit. I started again last night in a class through Fairfax County Parks and Rec. I am not sure about it to be honest. The teacher is..... very peculiar. He gets off on tangents that have absolutely nothing even remotely to do with playing the banjo and he talks about them like we should be very interested in what he had to say. Thinks like supination and pronation. If I hadn't had lessons before I would be completely lost. The only reason I have any clue what to do is because I know a few basics. 2 of the guys in my class came in knowing nothing. I feel really bad for them. It will be interesting to see what we learn in 8 weeks. I am suppose to practice Shortnin' Bread this week.

In other news.... I got a new printer. I used my iPhone rebate from Apple for it. I drooled over a MacBook on my way back to the printers.

My knee is still hurting. The shot obviously didn't work. I want to call the doctor back and see if he can see me but I can't go so it doesn't matter. I can't take off for the next 2 weeks. I'll just have to deal with it.

I'm studying, sorta, for the Middle School Math Praxis II Test. If I pass it my principal said if there is a math position open next year she won't even interview, she'll give it to me. I tried to talk her into a half PE half math position but she wasn't going for it. Of course I spent this week doing fitness tests. One of them requires the kids to take off their shoes. I have to sit right next to their lovely, smelly socked feet to measure how far they can stretch. I won't miss that.

That's the news with me. :)

Sunday, January 6, 2008

More cupcakes!!!

I am beginning to think I have an addiction to making cupcakes. Not eating them really, though I do love them, but decorating them. I made these tonight. I got the idea from a cake decorating book I got for Christmas (thanks Mom!)
I am about to embark on the first Christmas presents for 2008. Sadly I can't post them as I make them because someone might prematurely see what they are getting. But I am splitting everyone up into different months. That way it isn't November and I am panicking wondering how I am going to pay for something for everyone.

I have a feeling this is going to be a long week! :(

Friday, January 4, 2008

"I didn't do it"

I am so sick of 13 and 14 year olds. They can't actually own up to anything they do....even if it is a good thing! I mention something and they automatically get defensive. When they find out it is something good, they are like, "Oh. I thought I was in trouble." I can watch them do something, say for instance talking while I am giving instructions. I see them, I hear them. BUT when I say something to them they immediately say, "I wasn't talking!" OR some of them will say, "But I wasn't the only one talking, why are you picking on me?"

They have no responsibility, they don't care about much of anything, they want all of your respect without giving an ounce of it.... shall I go on? I am sick of teaching. No joke. It is really crappy that the kids have more rights than I do. I take it to personally that I can't save them all. I have no idea what I am going to do..... ugghhh...I'll probably be teaching for 30 years being miserable.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


2008 is here. 2007 flew by. They say the older you get the faster it goes. YIKES!

It is time for the New Year's resolutions to come out. I have a a few of my own. My most difficult one personally is to only drink soda on Mondays. I have gone 100 days without caffeinated beverages but I could have Sprite and caffeine free soda. None of that this time.

This was recited at church on Sunday morning. I liked it so I thought I'd share.

I am the new year. I am an unspoiled page in your book of time.

I am your next chance at the art of living. I am your opportunity to practice what you have learned about life during the last twelve months.

All that you sought and didn't find is hidden in me, waiting for you to search it but with more determination. All the good that you tried for and didn't achieve is mine to grant you when you have fewer conflicting desires.

All that you dreamed but didn't dare to do, all that you hoped but did not will, all the faith that you claimed but did not have - these slumber lightly, waiting to be awakened by the touch of a strong purpose.

I am your opportunity to renew your allegiance to Him who said, "Behold, I make all things new."