Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm Employed and It's Raining!!!

It is raining here and everyone seems so excited.  "Look, it's raining!"  people are saying like I would if it were snowing.  I don't mind the rain but I wish it would only rain at night.  The cooler temperatures have been nice though.  

Yes, I have a JOB!!!  I went in on Thursday for a "2nd interview" but it was actually an offer.  It isn't my first choice of schools but, it is a job.  I was told to come in today and help with student orientation.  He neglected to tell me that it wasn't until 2:00 this afternoon.  So who was at the school at 7:30 this morning?  ME...and ONLY me.  (7:30 is the time I was told teachers are to report to work.)  No one else got there till 8:30.  I got all my paperwork to fill out at least.  I am about to head over there now to "help out," whatever that means.  All I know is that I
 missed my extra sleep this morning.  I guess I need to get used to getting up early though.
In other news....
We won our soccer game on Sunday 5-2, and no, I didn't score any.  

That's all that is going on in these parts!


Ellyn said...

yeah for the job! sounds like things are going well! miss you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job!! YAY! that's fantastic! and at least you were early to work rather than late hehe it shows that you were a great choice! :D

Shayna Willis said...

Congrats!!!!!! Math or PE?