Friday, August 29, 2008

The Media is Speechless...

For now anyway.  I only see one tiny article on McCain's choice, Sarah Palin, as a running mate.  I actually think he caught them (the media) completely off guard.  I am interested to see how they approach this.  I would say I want to research her more, but honestly, I am so against Obama becoming our next President that I almost couldn't care less.  The only thing they have dug up on her so far is that she refused to fire her brother-in-law who is a State Trooper in Alaska.  No mention of why she should have fired him.  I am sure we'll hear an absolute great and twisted story of some horrendous thing he did... with only the facts they want us to hear.  Like I said, I am really interested on how the media handles this!

Update:  It's been 5 minutes and they have already changed the story!  But I can't figure it out.  Is this a bad thing?  Do they mean hire or fire? BIG DIFFERENCE!

"More recently, she has come under the scrutiny of an investigation by the Republican-controlled legislature into the possibility that she ordered the dismissal of Alaska's public safety commissioner because he would not fire her former brother-in-law as a state trooper."  Associated Press

NO JOKE.... I just posted and clicked on the article again and they have removed that paragraph completely.  


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

yes I finally looked at your blog again! Hope you have a great weekend. Got any plans? Have you ever thought about being a radio talk show host!!!

Anonymous said...

the above anonymous comments were from ME Melynda love ya

Penny said...

I think he must have done his home work. Dennis said she is very tough and much more conservative than McCain. I myself don't know that much about her...but my hat's off to her. You go girl!!! And I think Obama's choice has turned alot of people away simply b/c of the "hillary factor." (Just my opinion but what do I know.) Talk with you later ~Penny