Friday, March 21, 2008

10 Things you may not know about me...

Today I have no thought provoking message to dwell on.  It is the last day of my Spring Break, it went way too fast if you ask me and was incredibly unproductive.  I didn't even crochet or sew!  It was probably the laziest week of my life, other than the fact I did read a LOT for my class and wrote one paper.  

So... on with today's blog...


1.  I was president of my high school 4-H club.  

2.  I received the highest score in my district in judging plants and seeds.

3.  I leave all the blue and orange M&Ms and all the orange and white Smarties to eat last.

4.  My favorite flower is the Shasta Daisy.  2nd place is the Gerber Daisy.

5.  My hair held a real barrette when my parents brought me home from the hospital.  

6.  I am the only person kin to everyone in my family... confused, ask me.

7.  One of the ligaments in my left elbow was originally a tendon in my left wrist.

8.  I prefer unsweetened tea and Pepsi even though I am from the South.

9.  I have seen Scud and Patriot missiles collide and explode.

10.  I am terrified of clowns and dolls.  Oh, and really old pictures.  

Anything I might want to know about you?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Today I had a a massage.  If you have never had one, I highly recommend it!  It was my gift to myself for Spring Break.  I really needed it.... and I need another one.

I finally made some more cupcakes.  These are for Easter, obviously.   The edible grass isn't the most wonderful thing in the world, horrible texture and not much taste, but it sure looks cute!  

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

You won't believe it....

I think all that know me know what a picky eater I am.  I am proud to say that I have added yet another food to my rather short list and it may surprise you.  No, it will surprise you.  My sister is amazed that, even though I am picky, salmon and raw spinach are 2 of the things I eat.  Well, Melynda if you are reading this, sit down.  I now like.... asparagus.  I actually made it by choice the other day.  It is my 2nd new vegetable in 2 years.  Last year I discovered I like corn (only on the cob, not from a can.)  

In other news....

I am doing tons of reading (something I don't do much) for my class.  This week is all about decision making.  I teach this EXACT same process to my 8th graders.  Same steps, well except in grad school they added a step, "Implementing the decision."  Duh!  Why go through the other steps and have the last step of evaluation if you aren't going to do it in the first place?  I do also go into all the characteristics of a decision and common reasons for bad decisions.  But it is all common sense with fancy terms.  Programmability for instance.  Let's see, a decision has either been made before and has a set protocol, or it hasn't been made before so you have to come up with a new solution.  Ummmm, again.... DUH.  So far the reading isn't beyond my brain function so I am happy about that.  I did learn something pretty funny.  Did you know that after Walter P. Chrysler died that Chrysler's lawyer sometimes contacted the ghost of Walter for advice?  My textbook says (that's not APA siting but get over it) that the lawyer would excuse himself from the meeting, go into Chrysler's office, close the door and drapes, and conjure up Chrysler's spirit.  Then the lawyer would return to the meeting and reveal his findings, which the Chrysler executives would use to make the final decision.  How is this company still in existence today???  I did a little research and he died in 1940.  I would consider that relatively modern times.  I think the lawyer was a little sketchy, but who blames him with idiots like that surrounding him!  
I am still fearful that I might not be able to handle the mass amount of information that I have to take in and regurgitate in paper form using APA guidelines for referencing.  But I am not so worried that the information itself is going to be rocket science.

More interesting stories to come I'm sure!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I know it has been a while since I have written.  I have ideas for about 6 blogs but not the time to delve into them like I want to.  So this is just an update on your favorite subject.... ME!

I start grad school tonight.  I am starting on my Masters in Business Administration and Accounting.  I know, a far cry from teaching middle school PE.  

I am still currently in the Sound of Music.  I say still because there is a remote chance that I will have to drop.  My class is on Thursday night and that is also the main dress rehearsal night that I HAVE to be at.  I am trying to finagle (I have always wanted to use that word!) something.

I am teaching Saturday School 8th Grade Math.  I love it.  I only have 5 kids so I can really focus on what they are struggling with.

Spring Break is next week.  I am not going anywhere unless I go into DC and take in a few sights.  Oh, and I am getting a massage on Wednesday!!!

I promise I will have an in depth blog soon!

Till then....