Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hello from Texas!!!

Well, I am here!  My first week has been busy and lazy at the same time.  I am officially sick of shopping, even though I have more things I need.  I have a bed, a couch, a TV, and a washer and I really need anything else?  

My favorite thing to do is to go to the pool.  9:00 pm is the perfect time.  :)  

I will try to blog more, but I don't have internet at home right now.  I figured a job should come first. 

And for those of you wondering how it is going with me and Jeremy....  So far so good.  So no need to beat him up....yet :)  I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Are other people as sentimental as I am?  I keep thinking, this is my last Thursday here...this is my last Friday here, and now, tonight is my last night here.  I am always like this when I move.  I am excited about moving though. I have so much to do once I get there.  It is a little overwhelming.  

On a sad note, I missed passing my Middle School Math Praxis in Virginia by ONE point.  I needed a 163 and I made a 162.  Virginia requires the highest score.  Tennessee only requires a 143.  Anyway, that threw a big kink in my master plan.  Everyone is still encouraging me though which is great.  
This comic from Close to Home today cheered me up.  You know that you life is normal when they make cards and comics that you can relate to.  I am an over the top person when it comes to toilet paper.  So much so that I may change it even if it isn't my house!  

I'm sure my next blog will come from "The Great State of Texas" (which wouldn't be so without the "Volunteers" from Tennessee).  :)  

Thursday, July 3, 2008

So mad, I don't know what to write!

This is getting out of hand!  I blogged about this in February and my sister-in-law sent me an article from July 1st.... 2 days ago.  Here's the link:

Take time to read some of the comments.  I have so say some of them make me feel better.  At least it's proof we have a few sane people still left in this country.  I just wonder if it is enough!!!