Tuesday, November 18, 2008

And that is why I don't talk politics....

I love talking politics, but I am so passionate about it is usually best for me not to speak on it. I see it so black and white (and no I am not talking about race.) I will tell you I truely don't understand people that don't see it the way I do, and that makes for tension. I guess I had rather go through life thinking the people I know surely think the way I do. My friend Shayna and I used to get so passionate when we'd talk politics that we would have to stop just so we'd stay friends! If someone brought it up in our company we'd just smile and suggest we talk about something else.

Anyway, let's go on with the superficial life of Suzanne. Maybe it won't cause such tension.

Twilight is coming out this week. If you don't know what it is you are living in a cave. Now, I admit, the first time Ellyn and Chelsea told me I had to read this book I laughed at them.
"You have to read this book! It is so good."
"What's it about?"
"Ummmm, vampires, werewolves and teenage love."
"Just read the first chapter."
Well, I did and it consumed me. Literally. I don't like to read but Stephanie Meyer is such a great author you get consumed with the characters. I had to keep reminding myself that these are not real people. I thought about the characters when I wasn't reading the book. It didn't take long to read because I read it every second I got.... even at red lights! I prayed to get stopped by a red light! Most of the girls at the middle school I taught at were reading it and we just couldn't stop talking about it. Now when I tell other people they should read the book they ask me what it's about. "Ummmmmm, vampires, werewolves and teenage love.... but it really is a great book!" There are 4 books in the series and I have read the 1st two. I want to read the next one but I just can't find the time because I know it will consume me as the first two did. So, this movie.... from what I can tell from the previews it is how I imagined it which is a good sign. I want to go to the midnight showing this Thursday but I am not in the mood to fight all the screaming teenagers. I guess they'll be there all weekend though. Jeremy said he won't go see it, that he has to draw the line somewhere. I guess vampires, werewolves and teenage romance are a bit much for him. It is understandable. I will go see it though. I'll do a review when I do.

I didn't have a soccer game this week but I do this Sunday. I never thought I'd be excited to play soccer. Last game was out of control. One of our players got a red card that was totally unmerited. He refs games at this arena and the ref of our game doesn't like him. Actually no one likes the ref that we had. Other refs don't want to work with him. He is a terrible ref too. So he look it out on our player that has refused to ref with him in the past. He gave 2 blue cards to the other team. That sits them in the penalty box for 5 minutes. They were beyond physical. Our team is physical, they were borderline violent and dirty. They are in the league above us (it was a cross-over game) and we were controlling the game and ended up winning. It wasn't fun though. I never wanted a game to be over so bad, and we were winning! Usually games go slow when you're the team getting slaughtered.

Well, I have babbled enough I guess. I hope to have a new quilt for you soon!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Back on line!

Well for some reason blogs are no longer blocked.

I am feeling a little bit better. I am still coughing. I hate being sick. From now on I am going to self-medicate. It took 4 hours to get in and out of the Care Now place. Plus they consider themselves specialists and not generalists so it cost $35 for a co-pay instead of $25. How is a walk-in clinic considered a specialist? I have to find a doctor!

Now onto politics. I am so tired of hearing about Obama. I am terrified of the fact that he is going to be the president. First of all, I am not sure how he is going to be with all the questions surrounding him. Things like the fact he can't produce a birth certificate to prove he was born in the US. There is a lawsuit about this. They are looking into his campaign funds because they suspect some of the funds are from terrorist organizations. No one seems to be very concerned about it though. That bothers me. The race issue bothers me too. I am tired of hearing that he's black. First of all he's biracial. His mom is white. And race is no reason to vote for someone. I can't believe all of these black churches that are celebrating his election when so much of what he stands for goes against God and Christian values. That tells me they voted for him because of his color. That tells me that there are a lot of people in America that are stupid. Yes, I said stupid. If we want to get past race issues in then stop making a big deal about it. Consider him a person and that's it. I am not saying it isn't worth mentioning, it just isn't worth harping on. American's should be ashamed of putting someone into office just to make history. There are more important things at stake.

Additional note: I looked and it seems that he did produce a birth certificate. Not sure why I keep hearing he hasn't.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


This is a little bit if outdated news since it happened 2 Sundays ago, but I scored my first goal!  My team won!  I played really well this past Sunday as well.  

I am out sick today.  So why am I at Panera Bread on the internet?  Well, I had to send in my sub plans.  I feel better but I have a horrible cough.  Dr. said it is bronchitis and has me on a cough syrup that has codeine in it.  (No I haven't taken it this morning yet, so I am okay to drive.)  

Speaking of driving.....what is everyone paying for gas?  I passed 3 stations this morning that have it for $1.99.  Yes!  $1.99.  I never thought I'd see it that low again.  Buying gas is a bit like playing the stock market, except you don't sell.  You want to buy low.  You can get it and an hour later it could go down again, then you kick yourself for not waiting.  OR you could wait because the price is falling and then it suddenly goes back up.  Then you panic and you and everyone else is lining up to fill up.

I made some cupcakes for Halloween.  I will NEVER make the werewolves again.  Such a pain in the rear!  The mummies were so easy though.  The picture is a little blurry but you get the idea.  Sorry it's sideways too.

Well, I think that is the big part of the news with me.  Oh, glad to see people still check in and read.  I love when y'all make comments.