Wednesday, September 12, 2007

About to drown

You know that expression "Keeping your head above water?" Well, I know now better than ever what that means. I suddenly hate my job. Every time I think I have things together and things are going smoothly someone throws in another tub of water. I am in survival mode. I feel like teaching my students is something that happens in the midst of my job. I thought that was my teach. Instead I am busy doing a million other things. Then they throw a huge curve ball without any thought of how it would affect me and gave one of my 8th grade classes to another teacher and gave em a new 7th grade class. Which means I no longer just teach one grade. I have 2 preps now. Granted, I am used to having 3 but that was before I had the position of Department Chair. I feel like I am delegating everything I possibly can. I thought all was better today and then I got an e-mail from both my principal and assistant principal about a parent complaint. Not on me but another teacher. They said if I need them to intervene they will. I want to show I can take the responsibility to approach one of my department with issues but this teacher is new to the school but NOT new to teaching. He is the veteran teacher of the department. I really don't want to bring it up to him but I don't want to dump it on the administration because it is my job first and then theirs if he doesn't respond.
I am so burnt out at the end of my day I don't even want to think. I just want to turn my brain off and sleep. I don't want to do laundry, eat, sew, anything.
Is it June yet?

And now to add to my misery... I was so excited to get to take a banjo class that I could afford. I went to register and they have canceled the class. That was going to my personal thing to get away. UUUGGHHHH!


Shayna Willis said...

Oh Suz, I'm so sorry. I wish I had more time to debrief with you at lunch today. Maybe tomorrow it's just you me and a b*tch fest. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, I have had those days. I had to remember that
I was a child of God and that, whatever happens, my Father is still in charge. His Son is my big Brother and is my strength. Whatever I cannot handle, He can, or it is not important.
Take time to commune with God each morning before you tackle the day.
Read James 4:10. Be still and listen to what He may have to say. Whatever is in store for you that day, He will see to it that it is taken care of by you or Him.
(Sermon for the day)
Have a great day, and remember that you are loved, LOTS.

Ellyn said...

I think this week calls for a drive to Sonic! let's say on Sat....? :)