Saturday, October 20, 2007


Today my Stitch and "Itch" are going on a field trip! We are heading down to Raphine, Va to a yarn shop. I have to admit, I haven't finished anything recently. Those baby hats are the last thing I completed. I made one for my great nephew which I didn't take a picture of...yet. I still have it. I'll try to get one of those posted. I am working on a blanket right now. It is all single crochet so it is super simple but can get a bit boring. I am making pretty good strides on it though. I am making it my house sitting project. I work on it mainly when I am house sitting. That will be 4 weekends in November so I should get pretty far on it. (I think I will take it on the field trip too. It should be a good car project :))
Of course I need to be sewing too. I am almost done with another tote bag. I have to change something about it though. (Mom, I might be calling you!)
I'll have pictures of our field trip in a blog coming soon. Till then...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So much for holiday house items :) I can't wait to see your single crochet blankie!!!