Monday, February 2, 2009

Super Bowl Cupcakes

5 days till I have internet at home!  Maybe I'll blog more then.  

I made some cupcakes for a Super Bowl party last night.  I didn't like the way the game turned out, but I did like the way my cupcakes turned out :).

I can't get my picture rotated....errrrr...  You get the idea though.


Kelli said...

so cute!!!

Shayna Willis said...

Wait a minute! Are those Steelers with logos on both sides of their helmets? And cardinals with logos on one side. I'm horrified at your inaccuracy. ;-)

BTW, we started FLE this week. James is teaching 3 sections of 8th grade girls.

Katherine said...

the detail . . . I'm in awe . . .

I usually picture things in my head with that kind of detail, then they turn out a bit more blob-y. :) Those are too cute!

Anonymous said...

those are sooooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Your cupcakes look better than some that I have seen in magazines. Great Job--- especially the design of the cardinals.
