Monday, July 9, 2007

Are those BAGS under my eyes?

Looking in the mirror this evening I noticed huge bags under my eyes. I can't figure out why though. I have gotten plenty of sleep this week. I can't say I have been under any stress, I mean after all it is summer. I just feel tired and old this week and looking in the mirror just made it even worse! Maybe a good nights rest in my bed will do me good. Actually, come to think of it, it isn't my is the Sergio's. But I don't think they would mind me saying my bed in Maybe I have bags because I figured out this past week that I will be 90 before I can afford to buy 708 sq ft condo. By then it will probably cost about $800,000. You think I am exaggerating? It already costs $212,000. IMPOSSIBLE! How am I suppose to exist here on HALF the average income of Fairfax County? HUH???? Sorry Ellyn, I might end up retiring....still living in your basement. Can someone please explain to me why someone that will be making almost $50,000 next school year can't afford to buy a one bedroom 708 sq. ft. condo? The payments were going to be almost 60% of my whole salary, not just my take home. I hope grad school is the answer. Wait....why am I up here anyway? Oh yeah...I TRIED to move.....TWICE!!! I guess it still doesn't answer why but it seems to be where God wants me to be. Each time I came back to something even better. First I got a job in Fairfax County and then the second time I was promoted to department chair. Ok, now I am rambling and I am sure those bags are getting deeper and darker. I will sleep now dreaming I have a rich uncle that is desperately searching for me to bestow all of his wealth on :)


Ellyn said...

In 5 years this house is going to be pretty empty anyway! Maybe that rich uncle can come and finish the basement off for you to have more room!

As long as we have a have a place to stay!

BroBell said...

Yes Sis,

Those are bags...

