Thursday, August 30, 2007

Too early!

I think 5:20 in the morning is too early to start waking up. Yes, I said start. If you have read my past blogs you know that the snooze button and I are good friends. This morning I only hit it for 20 minutes. Much better than my 2 hour date with it yesterday morning. I just can't get motivated for meetings. This whole "teacher work week" is actually "teacher meeting week." I haven't got much work done. I still have things in both offices, all the new equipment is in one closet (the guys and I did unpack it at least,) you can't see my desk, and I haven't even begun to think about a lesson plan. Since Monday I have been in a meeting. I might have 20 minutes between them. That is enough time to just get started and on a roll doing something before I am whisked away to my next meeting. You can tell the atmosphere in the building isn't a positive one because of this too. We are all complaining. As a member of Leadership Council I am going to bring it up I think.
Today we aren't even in the building! All middle school teachers are going to one place. There is nothing we can do about this though, it is a county decision, but the rest of it has to be fixed.
I am ready for Winter Break and the kids haven't even come back! Oh, and I was taken off of morning bus duty and given 6th grade lunch every day! Not happy about that either. I know I can't always get what I want but the lady they put out there doesn't want it at all. Just saying, if the teachers are miserable, the kids will be. It isn't all bad. it is a great school. I am hoping we are just off track this week.
I am sure I'll let y'all know :)

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